PHYSICAL CLIMATE RISKS by Dr. Jean-Louis Bertrand
The Corporate Treasurers Community Magazine

In an interview with François Masquelier for The Treasurer magazine, Jean-Louis Bertrand discusses the challenges that physical climate risks pose for businesses. He introduces Physicalclimaterisks., the first comprehensive risk assessment tool dedicated to businesses. This tool provides quantified information that can be directly used to assess and make necessary adaptation investment decisions.

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About the authors

Founded in 2019 by a team of corporate risk management experts and climate scientists, Weatherisus operates from Angers and London, offering data-driven analysis and advice, and financial protection against climate risks.

We engage with companies to identify the climate risks they face

From supply chain to sales to end customers, we analyze these risks based on companies’ business data and our own databases, define the specific characteristics of each climate risk, and assess the short- and medium-term financial consequences to facilitate decisions.

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