Financial communication of climate risks in compliance with CSRD and IFRS

We provide a comprehensive risk analysis of chronic and acute physical climate risk for risk management and reporting purposes.

Financial communication of climate risks in compliance with CSRD and IFRS

Climate variability and extreme events have the potential to affect both volumes and prices throughout a company’s value chain, from suppliers to end customers, interrupting business operations and damaging productive assets, with financial implications. In many situations, field managers have empirical knowledge of how weather conditions affect the business. Our risk analysis makes this information objective, verifiable, auditable and dynamic, so that it can be used to better understand past performance and to plan and manage future risks and opportunities.

We offer our customers a comprehensive report analysing and assessing the climate risks to which their business is exposed, with financial reporting of climate risks in line with the CSRD.

Our methodology is based on experience and a 360° approach to physical climate risks in business. Physicalclimaterisks. provides the data set that decision-makers can easily integrate into simulations and reports, calculated using AI-powered algorithms, certified Copernicus data (ERA5) and over 20 global climate projection models (CMIP6). The methodology is transparent and auditable, and has been scientifically and empirically validated. The risk metrics are adaptable to the assets to be valued. Scores are standardised to enable comparisons between measures.